The first site I chose is This is a great site with a lot of unique content. It strays from the traditional baseball news and focuses on the agentry side of baseball, with blog posts by current and aspiring agents. The site is easy to navigate through and is relatively pleasing aesthetically. The second site I found is the Sports Law Blog. Although not terribly attractive, this site is another source for less common news about sports law and business. While not always easy to navigate around, the site has a lot of interesting posts. Baseball Blogs is a site that compiles posts from multiple different blogs around the internet, giving you the day's most popular entries on the home page. The site layout is unattractive and navigation is not always easy, but few places have good posts from so many different sources. Baseball Musings is an interesting site which provides the reader with links to interesting articles about baseball. The author of this site even updates regularly during playoff games with an brief breakdown of each inning. Baseball Analysts is a site with regular posts containing trade, game and team analysis. It has a nice clean layout and is easy to search through. Authors are well informed and they write on interesting subjects.
The Bats Blog of the New York Times is a site of personal interest because its focus lies on the greatest (in my opinion) baseball city in the world, New York. With a very nice and user friendly interface, this is a great site for all baseball news concerning the Mets or the Yankees. The Baseball America College Blog is an interesting source for information because unlike football and basketball, college baseball does not get that much media attention. At the same time, these are the stars of tomorrow and this site provides insightful reports on up and coming stars at the college level. Len & Bob's Baseball Blog is a fun site hosted by WGN Chicago broadcasters. Although this site focuses on the Cubs, it has lots of entertaining video and is a good site to visit just to

Joe Mauer's Baseball Blog grants the reader a look at the life of a baseball star. All-star catcher Joe Mauer gives the reader a look inside his life in this personal blog. The Baseball America Prospects Blog is much like the college baseball blog and provides baseball fans with analysis of minor league players and games, discussing the performances of players likely to be seen in the majors in the next few years. Ask 14 is the official blog of former player Jim Rice. This is another chance for readers to see what a former big league player thinks of current happenings in baseball. The site is well designed and has links to other good baseball (although mainly Red Sox) sites. Knuckle Curve is a baseball blog that provides up to date results and game analysis. This site offers information through a variety of medias, putting videos, sound clips and pictures to good use. Baseball Digest Daily is another blog that provides up to date game summary and analysis. This site's strongest point may be that it has over 20 professional contributors and thus a great deal of posts and information. has a great selection of baseball blogs. The only problem with site is that it requires a paid subscription to ESPN's Insider service. The blogs found here are excellent though, and in my opinion well worth the money. A wealth of information and easy navigation form a winning combination. MLBlogs (pictured to the left) is the official blog of Major League Baseball. This site has a ton of fan blogs, player blogs and team blogs. It is a great way to see what people think about baseball although it does not always contain intelligent discussion of baseball.'s Major League Baseball Photo Wire is a great place to visit for picture of all day's action. A great collection of shots covering the best plays of the day, this is the best site to visit for easy access and high quality major league baseball photos. is the official site of the Major League Baseball Players Association. Here, the audience has access to a number of player sites, as well as stats and player news. USA Today's Rotisserie Corner was the last site I decided to linkroll. This site is a great place for all fantasy baseball managers to go to follow their player's stats throughout the season. The site offers daily, weekly, season and numerous other individual statistics.
Overall, I am very pleased with the results my search has returned. As I plan to further my blogging career, I think I have found numerous sources that will be of great service to me. Hopefully, some of these links might also be helpful to you.
1 comment:
Andrew, I really enjoyed visiting all the links in your blog and reading your analysis of each blog and Web site. You clearly judged each site on content, clarity and layout according to the Webby and IMSA criteria. By covering the strengths and weaknesses of each link, you gave the reader some background knowledge and attributes to notice about each Web site. I like how you covered a fair amount of both Web sites and blogs because each type of online format offers different views and opinions to the reader.
My favorite links to visit were the most professional ones, including Baseball Analysts, Sabernomics, and By visiting these sites and reading your review, I gained a lot of knowledge about what these Web sites had to offer. Because I preferred the professional sites, I did feel your links were a little blog-heavy. While covering blogs is fine, you may want to consider covering more professional Web sites for reliable information. Also, try not to be redundant when covering these blogs, which appears to be a problem in some cases. Overall, your post gave me, a New York Yankees fan, plenty of new resources to check out on the internet and could provide the average baseball fan with a lot more insight.
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